Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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A Network of Apostolic Ministries Across Europe

Added 17 May 2001 View full list    Print version    
Each year, Next Wave International hosts a unique Europe-wide network meeting for key, apostolic national church leaders.

This is not an open conference, but a closed strategy meeting where heads of large churches and church networks come together and develop a "big picture" understanding of what God is doing across Europe as a whole.

This meeting the first of its kind to bring such high level leaders together from across Europe.

In April, over 80 major apostolic national and regional leaders came together for what can only be described as a landmark event.

Mal Fletcher, the founder and leader of the network, said of this year's meeting, "The fact that we now have around one table major Christian leaders from over 14 nations, is a testimony to the favour of God upon this mission to Europe. Each of these high-level leaders comes from a different stream of the church, but all of them are committed to one ideal: the re-shaping of Europe's spiritual landscape. We're all agreed: God has not finished with Europe yet!"

The network operates in two streams: one for senior leaders and the other for younger leaders.

The Strategic Leadership Consultation for senior leaders has truly come of age as an international network of apostolic ministries. One of the invited guests said to Mal: "As soon as I walked in the door for the first session, and saw who was seated around the table, I knew this was something new for Europe!"

The EYE forum for major younger leaders has been built over several years as the network for network leaders across nations. Nothing like this has happened before.

Invited leaders are already booking in for next year, which is scheduled for the Costa Del Sol, southern Spain.
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