A Whole Lot of 'Positive Energy'! - Niagara Falls
Canada's young adult population may seem to the outsider to have written off Christianity as a relic of their past, with little relevance to daily life.
But you definitely would NOT believe that if you happened to be at Niagara Falls in February 23-25.
A conference run by churches across Toronto brought together GenXers from across the entire western Ontario district for what can only be described as an awesome weekend of changed lives.
Mal Fletcher was asked to visit this conference for the second time in three years, and a number of people who had heard him before returned for more.
He talked on issues which many people would not expect to be addressed in a conference run by a Christian outreach organization. The bottom line theme, running throughout the weekend, was that human beings crave influence.
"We were not born to be ignored," said Mal. "We were born to bring change. If you're born again, you received the power to do just that at a totally new level -- the same power which caused a carpenter-come-rabbi to change the world forever in just three years!"
This led to powerful discussion on issues including post-modern political correctness, materialism as a philosophy, and the weakness of western culture's world view in the fact of real life. The teaching was solidly based on Biblical truth, with clearly thought out application to daily life in this new century.
Dave Slater, the event coordinator, later told the story of one of the hotel's manager's who had, until the Saturday evening session, been quite hostile in her attitude to the group's aims.
Dave takes up the story: 'I was standing at the back of the large Saturday night crowd as Mal came to the end of his talk and we started to pray with people. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this particular manager heading toward me. I thought, Oh, here we go, she's going to give us some more complaints. Instead, she said, with tears in her eyes, "There's a whole lot of positive energy in this room, isn't there!" She was clearly moved, and didn't quite know how to respond. What she was feeling was the presence of God in that place!'
The Next W@ve Media team are currently in talks with the well respected Crossroads TV network to see the 'EDGES with Mal Fletcher' programs broadcast across Canada. The network is very interested in the program but as yet no time slot has been allocated. Partners, please pray with us for a quick result.
Mal has a strong feeling for Canada and, after his third visit, said, 'The GenX of this nation are really open to something right now -- they're looking for something mroe than a hedonistic lifestyle to keep them going. We want to have an ongoing voice to this generation across Canada.'
Find out when Mal is visiting a city near you.... See 'Coming to A Town Near You'
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Great to hear those 80s songs (that blessed so many back then). 'To share God's love in music and word' is a great calling. I guess there's no time for a new album?!
Ann, Australia
Your new book is a must - having read a few of the excerpts available online, it is one I will be ordering. Gen-Xers, the future is ours. Thanks Mal for your Godly guidance and belief.
Damien, Australia
Everyday this week God has spoken directly into my situation through Daily Recharge! God bless the work you're doing.
Sarah, United Kingdom
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