Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Prominent Young Minister Confesses

Added 21 August 2008 View full list    Print version    
Yesterday, the news broke in Australia that Michael Guglielmucci, a prominent young Christian minister and popular song-writer, has confessed to living a lie for the past two years.

Pastor Michael had claimed to be battling a deadly form of cancer. He has now confessed that these claims were untrue. Even his mother and father were unaware of the truth of the situation.

This sad news comes as Michael's latest song about healing, featured on the most recent Hillsong album, climbs the Australian music charts.

Mal Fletcher, director of Next Wave International and a friend of the Guglielmucci family issued an editorial today to, he says, help people deal with the fall-out from the failure of a popular Christian figure.

The editorial, 'Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?', is published in the Social Comment section of this site. It also features in a number of e-zines in various parts of the world. On the UK's popular Cross Rhythms website, it received more than 8000 hits in 24 hours.

In response to this, Mal says, 'Whilst not a household name throughout the world, Michael's music gift and speaking talent, along with his very charismatic personality, have made a major impact on many young lives, in a number of nations.'

'It's obvious, from the feedback we're receiving, that people are looking for ways to understand this unusual case, and more importantly, wisdom on how they might respond.'

Mal adds: 'Whether or not our readers know Michael, I ask them to pray for his wonderful family, for the churches that are directly impacted and for the people who will be impacted most by these revelations.'

'His family are facing great personal pain - and if we are people of faith, we would do better to use our words to pray for him and for them, than talking to friends about the situation at every opportunity.'

Today, Mal featured in an interview with Jon Bellamy of Cross Rhythms Radio, UK.

Click here to read the editorial.

Click here to stream/download the podcast of the inverview.

Keywords: micheal guglielmucci | mal fletcher | social comment | cross rhythms

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There is such a great need for prophetic interpretations of what is going on in the world. You are very influential!
Benjamin, Germany

Just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is affecting and impacting lives beyond what you see. It is helping to keep us sharp as a church.
Chris, USA

I think you asked the wrong question re climate change summit. The question is should it have been held? There are a lot more important issues they should have been discussing, e.g. people trafficking.
Jen, Australia

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