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Aussie Church Movement Looks At Future

Added 05 November 2008 View full list    Print version    
The Christian Revival Crusade is a network of churches throughout Australia which has a long record of Christian evangelism combined with life-changing community work.

Today, the movement has a strong presence in other regions of the world, including parts of southeast Asia and Europe.

Mal Fletcher was recently guest speaker at a conference for pastors and other community leaders in Adelaide, sponsored by the CRC movement.

The event drew together pastors, leaders and team members from churches across South Australia and beyond. Its theme was engaging the future as we head towards 2020.

Mal's book "The Church of 2020" has inspired many pastors and leaders of community organisations in different parts of the world to think more strategically about where their cities and nations will be in the next decade.

During the conference, Mal said: "For the Christian church, being contemporary is good, but it's not enough."

"For us, contemporary styles and content are simply a means to an end -- which is that we become prophetic, announcing good news ahead of its time."

After the event, he added: "It's great to see a group of leaders come together to talk about possibilities for the future -- not just in an inspirational setting, but in a very strategic way."

"The leaders of this movement seem to have a passion to engage the community not just where it is today, but where it may be as it moves forward into the future."

Other speakers included Jim Wallace, the director of the Australian Christian Lobby, which represents Christians on issues currently before the national and state parliaments of Australia. His background as a brigadier in the Australian Army has given him a strong strategic ability and a sense of what can be achieved through consistency and forward planning.

Keywords: crc | crc churches | christian revival crusade | mal fletcher | church of 2020

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I love the Next Wave International website. It's been a source of encouragment and direction. A powerful package all in one! "DYNAMITE". Thanks.
Brendon, Australia

I truly appreciate Mal's words of encouragement. I'm looking forward to his return to Speak the Word Church, USA, this May. He left quite an impression on his last visit. Keep up the good work.
John, United States

Mal you are truly a profound and prolific speaker. Your EDGES programs have been really insightful and helpful.

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