Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Pastors in Lisbon Pursue 2020

Added 09 December 2008 View full list    Print version    
Lisbon, Portugal is full of history.

But beneath the dust of time, there lies a pioneer heart.

This nation produced some of the world's greatest explorers. Today, there is a hunger to recapture that forward-looking and courageous pioneer drive, not least among many Christian leaders.

The church in Portugal has not been known for producing innovative, culture-engaging Christian churches, but that may all be about the change, as Mal Fletcher discovered on a recent visit.

Invited to speak at a conference of church leaders from across the city, Mal found a group totally sold on the idea of moving quickly into a future-mindset and engaging the city at the point of its greatest needs.

Lecturing on 'The Church of 2020', Mal dealt with many of the obstacles that prevent institutional organisations from embracing change - and influence.

The sessions were so well received, that the Fraternal have invited Mal to continue the sessions next year.

Expect to see some change in churches in Portugal...

Keywords: portugal | lisbon | pastors | church leaders conference | fraternal | Mal Fletcher

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Your article about Daniel in Babylon is spot on. As 21st Century Christians our challenge is to find appropriate forums to join the conversation & refrain from adopting a defensive posture.
Tom Rawls, United Kingdom

Dear NWI, I am humbled by the wonderful work that you are doing especially in equipping leaders to carry the Gospel. We are working with evangelism, training & orphan support in Kenya.
Pastor Noah, Kenya

Thank you for your ministry. It encourages me to be bold, thoughtful and courageous about my faith.
Jason, Australia

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