Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
'Competence and confidence,' writes Mal Fletcher, 'are not the only aspects of leadership, but they are the most needed in difficult seasons.'
'In many ways, confidence comes out of competence, both personally and corporately. People will never overcome great challenges unless they are surrounded by a culture of confidence; unless they work in an environment where success is celebrated and innovation is normal.'
In uncertain and troubling times, people are looking for quality leadership.
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Mal might be interested by this interview with MTV's Mark Crispin Miller about media & marketing. Thanks for your ministry Paul Hockley, Norway
Mal, great show on on generations!! Keep the teachings going. I think the biggest problem with generations is the turning away from God's way & doing it ourselves. Rob, USA
The Daily Recharge has really changed my life! Nosi Mayan, South Africa