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Mal On BBC Breakfast TV

Added 24 January 2009 View full list    Print version    
Mal Fletcher appeared yesterday on the popular BBC TV Breakfast programme.

Appearing alongside fellow guest, Australian author Kathy Lette, Mal was invited to give his views as a social commentator on a report issued this week, which found that young people in the UK don't tend to appreciate their parents until they reach the age of 22.

The report, by a national polling website, found that young adults tend to change in their attitudes toward their parents from 22 onwards, seeing their parents in a new light in view of new responsibilities and challenges associated with raising children and so on.

'Toward the end of our teenage years, most of us feel relieved, even elated, at leaving the control of our parents,' said Mal. 'But after one or two years of that freedom, we realise that it doesn't come free - there's a price tag attached. Suddenly, we're faced with a whole new set of expectations.'

Asked how parents might respond when their teens show little appreciation, he added: 'Well, you can't show that you're frustrated. You need, as much as possible, to smile and try to enjoy the time you have with your teenagers. After all, you won't have them for long, really.'

'Showing annoyance often just adds fuel to the fire. If your kids know that doing a certain thing will rile you up, or get a reaction, they'll often try to do it again - just for the reaction...'

For more on Mal's work as a social commentator in media, click here or visit

Keywords: BBC Breakfast | Mal Fletcher on BBC | Mal Fletcher on BBC Breakfast | poll shows teenagers don't appreciate parents

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Hi Mal, I thank God for your ministry gifting. I find your talks to be most relevant & refreshing. You challenge apathy & have your finger on the pulse of current world issues.
Christopher, United Kingdom

I am a youth pastor in Poland. I discovered you about two months ago & I am very encouraged by your ministry. I like your wisdom & sound opinions. You are my hero even though I've never seen you and you don`t know me.
Slawek, Poland

I watched edges on and have been hooked since then. It's awesome!!
Fi, United Kingdom

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