Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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New Bristol Church Taking Off

Added 10 February 2009 View full list    Print version    
Bristol, England has a fine heritage as a centre of Christian evangelism and church planting, which goes back to the time of John Wesley.

The city is now in the middle of a major rejuvenation, with large commercial building projects, new housing and restaurant developments and several universities.

At the centre of this are some exciting new churches. One of them is Edge Church, Bristol. The church came together one year ago, under the leadership of Pastor Nick Resce, one of the core leadership team from Edge Church International.

This exciting network of dynamic churches was founded by Pastor Danny Guglielmucci, leader of the Edge Church in Adelaide, Australia. Readers of this news section will know that the church in Adelaide has had a long association with Next Wave International. In fact, the office of Next Wave in Australia, is located within Edge Church.

Mal Fletcher visited the Bristol church recently as guest speaker and found a community of faith that is thriving, with more than 250 people attending regularly -- and a strong commitment to community service at outreach.

After speaking at a session with leaders from across the city, followed by Sunday morning service, Mal said: "This entire city is coming alive at present -- especially with its three universities attracting students from across the UK and Europe."

"Edge Church, Bristol has a brilliant future. It is already attracting some very talented young leaders and creative people."

"This church is part of the new generation of churches we’ve been working and praying for 15 years to see planted across Europe. It's great to see networks like Edge Church International investing so much into the UK and European scene. If you are in Bristol at any time, Edge Church well worth a visit!"

For more on Edge Church, Bristol go to

Keywords: Edge Church | edge Church International | Danny Guglielmucci | Mal Fletcher | Bristol

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Hi Mal, Re: megachurch church vs a more organic model: I know God works regardless of how we think he should but it seems that the organic way is more appealing to the average person than the marketing of Jesus...
Narelle, Australia

Since discovering the Edges documentaries and the way Christian faith relates to hot topics, my faith has grown. Don't stop doing what you do - you do it well!
Riikus, UK

Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Mal! As Christians living in today's ultra-pragmatic culture, our choices need to recognize the present reality while seeing it through the perspective of our God-revealed future.
Ann, Australia

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