Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Master Class hits U.K.!

Added 30 August 2001 View full list    Print version    
After a great success in Trondheim, Norway earlier this year, Next Wave's Leadership NOW Master Class comes to the U.K., on October 8-12 this year.

This unique leadership event takes pastors, church planters, youth workers, business and media leaders on an adventure in contemporary leadership skills.

The five day intensive - which includes lectures during the day and powerful, prophetic ministry times at night - covers important issues in leadership including: The Creative Use of Media and the Internet, Contemporary Communication Styles, Leadership Models, Church Planting, Generational Ministry and more.

The week brings together intelligent and though-provoking content, with a unique, fun environment with people from different European cultures.

Over the past four years, around 400 leaders have been through one of Next Wave's Master Classes and the level of input and the style of presentation is now world-class. Many leaders have returned more than once, knowing that each Master Class brings up-to-date information as well as strong spiritual impartation for leaders of all walks.

For more details, click here...
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Mal, you've totally inspired me to be more active about the media world I'm in. I'm trying to find more ways to use my media skills to help people meet God. It's people like you that have been the spark to start this explosion. Thank you, I'm in ranks with you...
Isaac, United Kingdom

I really appreciate this ministry! I think you are a very important tool in the world today & for Christians. I'm so encouraged by the teaching!!
Jonas Päivärinta

Thanks Mal for your Recharge. I find it a great booster to my faith and morale, awesome!
Francois, South Africa

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