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Euthanasia & Assisted Dying Radio Interview - Podcast

Added 21 March 2009 View full list    Print version    
Is euthanasia a merciful option in cases of extreme suffering?

What is the legal definition of 'death'?

What's the difference between assisted death and euthanasia?

How does the Christian faith view this contentious issue?

In a month where euthanasia has been given extensive coverage again in parts of the British media, Mal Fletcher speaks with Trans World Radio on these and other questions.

The listen/download the podcast, click here.

(Watch the Edges TV programme on Euthanasia, at

Keywords: euthanasia | mercy killing | assisted suicide | assisted death | assisted dying | trans world radio | twr radio |

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I was only able to attend one of your meetings in Spain, but I really needed to hear what Mal Fletcher had to say. His message was brilliant. Thank you so much for coming!
Jean, Spain

Today was the first time I watched EDGES. I am very impressed with your program and your website. Keep up the good work.

The EDGES programs just get better & better. I'm proud to be able to recommend them to 'not yet Christians' as they are relevant, innovative & challenging.
Ann Johnstone, Australia

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