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Mal On BBC - Managing Frustration VID

Added 21 June 2009 View full list    Print version    
Holidays in the rain, cars that won't start and PCs that constantly crash - according to a new study, these are just a few of the things that frustrate people most in the modern world.

Frustration may be a fact of life, but how can we manage it better?

That was the subject of a discussion on the popular BBC Breakfast TV programme recently, featuring Mal Fletcher and author Kathy Lette (watch below).

"Many of our frustrations are the result of unrealistic expectations," said Mal.

"If you spend all year dreaming of an annual holiday where the sun always shines, the kids never fight and everything is bliss, you will be inevitably disappointed. It's an unrealistic expectation."

"Sometimes, we forget that wherever we go we take ourselves with us. It's not necessarily the weather that needs to change, as much as our attitude. We need what my parents called and 'attitude of gratitude'."

For more on Mal's media work, visit

Keywords: frustration | bbc news | bbc breakfast | bbc tv | mal fletcher

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I want to commend you for the good work you are doing. I'm a 28 year old minister [in Ghana] whom God has called to ... bring together God's people to fight against issues that are killing the youth of today. [My ministry] would like to affiliate itself with your ministry.
prophet alfred , Ghana

Mal, I heard you speak at Abundant Life Church. I came straight home from hearing you to send this email & will follow Next Wave & EDGES TV.
Jack, United Kingdom

EDGES: what fantastic well presented programmes, with excellent answers to current issues. I have not come across anything like EDGES. I just want to absorb as much of the info as possible! Thankyou for such Godly insight.
Anon, UK

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