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Large California Church On The Edge Of Great Influence

Added 08 August 2009 View full list    Print version    
California has been in the news much of late, especially because of its financial problems. Yet, in spite of the challenges, many of its churches continue to grow at a good pace.

Mal Fletcher recently visited one of the fastest growing churches in Southern California, the Abundant Living Family Church, led by Pastor Diego Messa.

The church is only 15 years old, yet already has the largest, multi-faceted building complex of any church in its region and is constantly investing in community-oriented projects.

Pastor Diego said: "Mal's visit here is prophetic. I have been praying about how we can use all this resource and influence God has brought to us."

"Little did I know, when I started praying this way, that God would send someone like Mal with so many answers. This has been some of the best preaching and teaching I have ever heard."

During his brief visit, Mal said: "I hope that I will be able to have an ongoing association with his group of people. The atmosphere is alive with anticipation, yet there is a real sense of 'it's time to impact city and beyond'."

"I meet leaders in various corners of the world who are saying much the same thing as my new friend Diego: it's time for us to use the resource in people and finance that we've been given, to reshape the culture of cities and even nations in line with kingdom values."

For more on Abundant Living Family Church, visit:

Keywords: california church | california churches | abundant life family church | pastor diego messa

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Your Feedback
I read Mal Fletcher's comment on the Jokela Shooting in Finland. He seems to be very well educated on the Finnish mentality... I got saved earlier last year & before I knew God I was in darkness & used to have same kind of thoughts this shooter had. I can only pray that God will heal this country with his Spirit.
Matti, Finland

Hi, we use Edges DVDs at events for non-christians.
Ursula, United Kingdom

Man this site rocks! I get fired up on this site every week and challenged by the daily recharges, but the best thing is to see how you guys are finding ways to communicate Jesus to today's people in a way they can get it. I've got plenty of ideas from you for my service here in Japan. Keep it up!
Taneli, Japan

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