Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Do Something Small To Help Stamp Out Trafficking

Added 12 August 2009 View full list    Print version    
People trafficking is now one of the most lucrative areas of international crime.

Some syndicates are moving their major emphases from drug and arms smuggling to trading in people, because the margins are so high.

This vile trade in human lives affects people in the developed world - including nations like the U.S. and most of Europe - as well as the third world.

YOU can do something small to raise awareness of the problem - simply WATCH and EMBED this video, or EMAIL/TWITTER a friends about it.

Steve Chalke MBE, Stop The Traffick
From EDGES with Mal Fletcher

(For the full editorial on this site, click here.)

Keywords: stop the traffick | people trafficking | traffiking | human traffic | steve chalke

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Your Feedback
Mal, you're truly a man for this generation. I have the CD of a message you preached in Minneapolis. My wife sent it to me it has blessed me.Thanks a lot.
Leslie, Nigeria

Dear Mal, please post me youth resource material. I'm a youth worker in the community & in schools as a volunteer. Thanks & God bless you!
willie de klerk, South Africa

I've seen Mal Fletcher speak several times at Wave Church, USA. He is leading the charge in bringing the local church and God's message to the mainstream market. I look forward to this website everyday and the encouragement it gives... Thank you Mal for all that you do!
Sam, United States

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