Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Mal in The Guardian

Added 20 September 2009 View full list    Print version    
'Recent research shows that almost 14 million people in the UK have either changed or considered changing their bank, healthcare or utility provider in the past year because they didn't feel they were getting 'anything back' from the relationship and found that one in 10 of us are set to terminate supplier agreements due to a lack of trust or respect,' writes Mal Fletcher in an article published this week in The Guardian's Public section online.

'The research highlights a renaissance of traditional values such as trust and security.' Mal continues. 'These are traits more commonly associated with personal relationships that are now creeping into the decision-making process when people choose service providers, in both the private and public sectors.'

The research, undertaken by the Benenden Healthcare group, one of the UK's leading health care providers, was part of a campaign seeking to measure consumer attitudes in the midst of recession.

It asks the question, 'Are consumers looking for a more traditional level of service in the face of the economic downturn?'

Read The Guardian article by Mal at:

Keywords: guardian | the guardian | consumer

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