Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Are our kids too preoccupied today with celebrity culture & the marketing of celebrity?
A recent survey conducted for the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK suggested that pre-teen children are more interested in being pop idols and sports megastars than teachers, doctors or other respected professionals - while their parents, at the same age, were more traditional in their aspirations.
What does this say about the future of today's kids? Mal Fletcher joined the debate in these two segments from the popular BBC Breakfast TV programme recently.
Are children too preoccupied with celebrity culture? PART 1
BBC Breakfast (national)
Are children too preoccupied with celebrity culture? PART 2
BBC Breakfast (national)
Keywords: celebrity | children | celebrity culture | celebs | BBC breakfast tv