Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

FEAR: Our biggest threat? VID

Added 31 October 2009 View full list    Print version    
In the face of global warming, terrorism ,pandemic diseases and multiplied other real and perceived threats, Mal Fletcher asks whether fear itself might not be an even bigger danger to our future.

In these special clips taken from the award-winning Edges TV series, Mal looks at the threats we face and when fear is helpful (and when it is not!).

For more clips like this, see and And see the full programme 'Climate of Fear' at

Follow Mal's excellent Social Comment daily at:

Keywords: fear | global warming | climate change | terrorism | pandemic

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Hey Mal, I'm blessed to come across this site. I believe it was a plan of God to hear you. I'm a leader in our church in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Be blessed!
Sindile, South Africa

Mal, it was good to see you at Christian Broadcasters Conference 07. You have an insight & perspective that's extremely helpful as the UK Christian Broadcasting industry slowly grows up & matures.
Tim, United Kingdom

I have visited your website and have fallen in love with all that you are doing!
Pastor Dennis, Russia

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