Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Strategic Leadership Consultation 2010 - VID

Added 02 November 2009 View full list    Print version    
'Europe is going through huge changes - on many fronts at once,' says Mal Fletcher, founder and host of the annual Strategic Leadership Consultation, a unique summit of European church network leaders, which meets to discuss Europe's future and how it can be shaped for the better through the Christian message.

'SLC2010 will look in detail at some of the major challenges facing Europe in the next few years,' Mal adds, 'and what we as Christian leaders can do to produce proactive change.'

SLC2010 is an invitation event. For more, click here.

Keywords: slc2010 | slc | strategic leadership consultation | slc 2010 | next wave network | next wave international network

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Mal, I saw you at Hillsong London and since then have visited your site a few times. Really enjoy your work. Very useful insights and content.
Bernard, UK

Thanks for the Generations Masterclass in Australia. You articulated what has been an ongoing tension in my own ministry life as a gen-xer working for a Boomer.
Benita, Australia

Today was the first time I watched EDGES. I am very impressed with your program and your website. Keep up the good work.

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