Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
How do leaders in business, media, politics, church etc reshape the cultures of entire communities?
That's the subject of a new book Mal Fletcher is working on for release in 2010.
During a recent week-long "writing lockdown" in Spain, Mal began the long process of collating all his research & fine-tuning the outline.
'In times of unprecedented change,' says Mal, 'leaders become key reference points, landmarks amidst a storm of change.'
Mal has a second meeting with an influential secular publisher scheduled for mid-December. We're hopeful of a positive response. Watch this space for more!
Click for Mal's other books, including classics such as 'The Pioneer Spirit' and 'Five Big Ideas: Concepts Shaping Our Culture'.
Keywords: pioneer spirit | five big ideas | 2010 book | leadership | future leadership
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God is true to His word. [Recently] it seemed as though I faced an entire mountain range. A friend blessed me with the Next Wave site. God bless you Mal and all the saints who knit your ministry together. On to massive revival in Europe. Robert, Germany
Thank you very much for your informative site as well as EDGES TV. Chantel, United Kingdom
I attended MasterClass in London and got so much good out of it - thank you so much. Reija, Finland