Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Kings Church, Wales -- A Great New Day!

Added 17 October 2001 View full list    Print version    
(Wales, October): Following the UK Master Class, Mal Fletcher stayed over for a day with the Kings Church, pastored by our good friend Ray Bevan...

This church has faced some great challenges in recent times, but is now emerging stronger than ever. God has been building an even stronger leadership core who are committed to the long-term growth of the kingdom in Wales and the UK and the church is seeing many people saved every week...

Mal reports that, 'Kings is still one of the most vibrant, pumping churches in the UK. I am very committed to this great group of people as I firmly believe that their best days are still ahead. Ray and his excellent team are re-digging the wells left after the Welsh revivals, and we're yet to see the full result of their passion for souls!'

Kings is also a European Core Partner with Next Wave International. For more, go to:
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I want to pray for you and your vision and activity of kingdom faith. I would also like to participate in your leadership conferences.
ngouandji-israel, Congo (RC)

This website & the content & especially the fresh approach to ministry are opening new worlds to me! Thanks for burning the box into which I tend to lock my thinking.
Elrich, South Africa

Mal, it was a great honor to have you here at The Living Room USA for Masterclass. It has opened up a whole new dimension to our vision...Thanks so much for all the valuable material here on your website. We promise to put it to good use.
Kevin, United States

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