Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Gospel Life Centre Munich: Better Than Octoberfest

Added 17 February 2010 View full list    Print version    
Mention the words 'Munich, Germany' and most people automatically think of the annual Octoberfest, the world-famous celebration of all things Bavarian.

Yet Munich has a lot more than that going for it. For hundreds of Munich locals, one of the best features of the city is the Gospel Life Centre, a thriving Christian church and arts hub located in the Feldkirchen area.

Pioneered and led by Pastor John Angelina and a team of gifted co-workers, the church is 25 years old and now seeing its best days ever, as Mal Fletcher discovered on a recent visit.

'GLC is one of my favourite churches on mainland Europe,' says Mal, 'because it has everything you could want in a go-ahead church. It has creative arts, great use of media, fine teaching and preaching, and best of all some wonderful people.'

'I always receive a very warm welcome in this church and feel that people are really engaging with what I'm teaching. What's more, when I revisit, I find they've done something with it!'

John Angelina's wife Mirjana is a well-known theatre actor, writer and director, whose many plays based on famous Christian women of history have won rave reviews across Germany and beyond.

Her skills and commitment to her art have opened doors of unusual influence in secular society.

For more on Gospel Life Centre, the Gospel Life Theatre Cafe and more, click here.

Keywords: gospel life centre | gospel life centrum | munich | oktoberfest | octoberfest | john angelina | mirjana angelina

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Hi there. I watched your EDGES programme today about fear. It was very interesting and was, I thought, presented in a very intelligent way.

EDGES is very helpful and informative from the Bible's point of view. Do please keep up the good work.
Annie, India

I think yours was the best and most succinct critique I've yet read on 'The Da Vinci Code'. As you say, we can still use it as a platform for presenting the real gospel.
Ann , Australia

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