Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Are children being forced to grow up too quickly? Is the sexualisation of media and culture generally destroying childhood? What does Christian faith say to this?
Mal Fletcher tackles this important subject as he presents Thought for the Week on BBC Manchester's Sunday programme.
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I watch your EDGES programs in Finland. I think they are very thought provoking. Amarjit, Finland
I take much so interest in your Next Wave monthly e-news. Thanks a lot. Salai Thaung Mang, Myanmar
I watched Mal's inspiring EDGES presentation on bioethics. Scientists who do genuine research are a boon to humanity. Physicians do everything they can, fighting to save a life. This is based on the image of the Creator in every human being. Rev Canon Dr Lakshman Peiris