Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
(September, Malmo): Eighteen months ago, Marcus Andersson of Next Wave International took a long-held dream and, by God's grace, turned it into reality...
His 'Making God Famous' events started with just fifty young people. The latest event, modelled on the Youth Alive concept (with some added features), drew together 900 people. The event, covered by one of Sweden's leading newspapers, is now the largest of its kind in the south of Sweden...
The music was tight, the dance and video of the highest quality and Mal Fletcher preached an unforgettable message. Twenty-five people came to Christ for the first time, including nine who'd never been in a church in their lives...
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I was close to tears when I read the excerpt from Mal's new book "The Future is X". He reminded me of things from my past which were so dramatically true. Antonio, Portugal
Mal you are truly a profound and prolific speaker. Your EDGES programs have been really insightful and helpful. UK
Thanks Mal. I heard some of your audio messages, they are inspirational... rudresh, India