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Mandela-Style Leadership

Added 16 March 2010 View full list    Print version    
The movie Invictus reminds us that there's more to effective leadership than mere education, charismatic personality or ego.

'The challenges of today and tomorrow will call for nothing less than Mandela-style leadership,' says leadership expert Mal Fletcher in a new editorial published on this site.

'Of course,' he adds, 'the former South African president is unique in our time. We are not all called to be global icons. Neither, thankfully, are we forced to endure the oppression and imprisonment that shaped this great man.'

'But we can develop some of the skills Mandela used to articulate a vision for his nation and to marshal the kind of support that moved that vision forward.'

Click here to read this insightful and inspiring editorial. A must-read for leaders of all kinds!

In an age of bullying leadership, where throwing tantrums is often confused with forceful personality, we must learn this skill of quiet, yet stubborn determination. And we must learn to wrap our personal focus in a respectful and genuinely curious attitude toward others.

Keywords: leader | leadership | nelson mandela leadership | invictus the movie | invictus | leadership resources

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Your Feedback
I think you asked the wrong question re climate change summit. The question is should it have been held? There are a lot more important issues they should have been discussing, e.g. people trafficking.
Jen, Australia

A beautiful response to the Mike Gug story. Mal you are a champ; you put into words what I feel. There but for God's grace, go I...
Lydiia, Australia

I want to congratulate Mal & the Edges team for excellent & uplifting material; it has meant so much for me in an age of God-less entertainment.
Rikus, UK

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