Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Create A Culture Of Confidence - VID

Added 05 July 2010 View full list    Print version    
In an age of high-speed change & tough economic challenges, management creates structures, but leadership provides something more important: a culture, of foresight, radical thinking & creative solutions.

During the recent 2020Plus leadership event in Brisbane, Australia, hosted by CityCare and Brisbane City Church Mal Fletcher gave a lecture on how leaders of all kinds can develop a proactive, future-friendly attitude witihin their teams, giving people the confidence to innovate under pressure.

For Part 2, see our news menu

Mal Fletcher: 'Building A Culture Of Confidence' (Part 1)
2020Plus Leadership Event
Brisbane, Australia 2010

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Your Feedback
Mal, great article on the leader of Britain's army. I was having the same discussion earlier today, came to my PC and found you backed up everything I had said! Keep up the incredible work!
Joel Robinson, United Kingdom

Having EDGES on Premier TV is an awesome move. The audience for this great series is clearly growing!
John, United Kingdom

Keep up the good work! I always start my day with your website and the Daily Recharge. Thanks.
Christo, Bulgaria

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