Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Six Nations at Master Class!!

Added 19 October 2001 View full list    Print version    
(October, Wales): Pastors and leaders from six European nations came together for the Leadership NOW! Master Class in Newport, Wales...

A true pioneer initiative of Mal Fletcher and the Next Wave International team, this Master Class fills the gap between leadership conferences and Bible schools. It allows leaders to sharpen their skills to an advanced level in a super-intensive week of training...

Major themes include: Communications and Media, Leadership Skills and Models, Church Planting, Internet and more...

Speakers at this Master Class included Winkie Pratney, Mal Fletcher, Ray Bevan and more...

One leaders said afterwards: 'My brain is hurting -- there's just so much great content in this week.' Another said, 'I've never been to anything like this before. It's unique...'

The next Master Class is scheduled for June 2002, in Trondheim Norway. Watch this space for more!
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Mal, I so enjoy your teachings. Europe truly is the dark continent.

I read your book, The Pioneer Spirit. What a great book!
Toyin, Nigeria

I really really value the Daily Recharge. I always feel it's God's wisdom straight to whatever situation I'm facing. I'm so grateful to God that you've brought such awesome encouragement over the years & for committing your life to it.
laura Michelle Kelly, United States

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