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Who Is The Stig - FNT

Added 27 August 2010 View full list    Print version    
While most of us may day-dream about fame, we know we'll likely never achieve it,' write Mal Fletcher, in his first piece for a popular British web feature called Friday Night Theology (FNT).

Mal continues: 'We live our lives in what Clive James has, in his inimitable style, called a 'blaze of obscurity'. Yet is that such a bad thing? Certainly for a Christian, obscurity is more an opportunity than an enemy.'

Published by the Evangelical Alliance, UK, FNT is read by thousands of people across the UK every week; it's also sent to 3500 by subscribers by direct email.

The FNT site outlines the aims this way: 'Many of us spend our weekends talking about the events of the week with friends and family who aren't Christians. Friday Night Theology is a tool that you can use to enable Jesus to join in the conversation. Our underlying premise is that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and so whatever has arisen during the week in the world of politics, media, sport or culture, Jesus has something to say.'

To read Mal's full piece and access many others, click here, or visit

Keywords: fnt | friday night theology | theological | stig | top gear

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Your Feedback
Hi, just thought you might like to know that I've placed one of Mal Fletcher's videos from YouTube, 'Heaven/Hell', on my website. Appreciate your web pages.
Merryl, Australia

Re: 'The Cashless Society' TV show... with rising crime rates & the threat of terrorism many people would welcome RFID technology, the cashless society & one world government to solve our problems. Should we be more aware of what they might be getting themselves into?
david, United Kingdom

I absolutely agree with you Mal on the danger of elevating of our leaders. There is something in man to want 'a king'. It's present in our current celebrity culture. It's curious when we see it in the world and it's pathetic when we see it in Christendom.
Michael Staires, United States

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