Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Spanish Church Increases Community Links

Added 14 November 2010 View full list    Print version    
The Words of Faith church in Malaga, Spain is moving boldly into new types of community influence.

Situated near some of the most beautiful and popular beaches in Europe, the church offers an international outreach and training point for people of all walks of life.

Led by Pastor Juanito Jonsson, a Swede by birth, the church was born out of a mission to Spain and has over the years hosted some of the region's most influential Christian events.

Today, the church has been re-geared to focus not just on numerical growth, but on an expansion of influence into every sphere of life in the area.

Mal Fletcher has been a friend of the church for some years and revisited again recently.

Speaking at a Saturday night concert, Mal said: 'This church was built on the pioneer spirit. Pioneers are fluid, never remaining static for long - they constantly look for new ways to expand their thinking and their activities.'

After the Sunday service, Mal said: 'Juanito, Ulrika and their team have taken the church on a great journey these past few years, from a typical though growing charismatic centre, to a community with a strong leadership core who are really starting to invest in community development.'

Pastor Juanito said to the church: 'Mal Fletcher is one of only two people I know of whom I can honestly say: "This is a prophet." Mal points the direction for the church's future and it is an honour for us to have this relationship.'

This church is co-host for the annual Strategic Leadership Consultation, led by Next Wave International.

Keywords: words of faith church malaga | spanish churches | spanish church | spanish christianity | christianity in spain | churches in spain

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