Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Another high profile case in the UK courts has highlighted for some the notion that Christians are being systematically victimized because of their faith.
Are Christians being persecuted? Or is there more heat than light surrounding these cases?
Is the rhetoric of persecution helping or harming the Christian calls for change in society?
Mal Fletcher discussed these issues and more with a Christian legal representative on London's Premier Radio today.
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Hi Mal, you recently preached at our Sunday service at Rhema Bible Church in Joburg, South Africa. You preached God's word with such simplicity and I left church feeling really inspired. It's been a blessing going through the articles on this site. Elaine, South Africa
I take much so interest in your Next Wave monthly e-news. Thanks a lot. Salai Thaung Mang, Myanmar
Mal, the Lord gives you deep and important insights into many current issues. Thanks for being faithful to him.