Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Creating Innovation Hubs. Mal Fletcher on BBC Radio

Added 14 February 2013 View full list    Print version    

What does it take to turn a regional city into a thriving innovation hub?

A study conducted by 2020Plus has identified certain significant characteristics of cities that attract innovative businesses and research, from Europe and the USA.

Mal Fletcher, Social Futurist, shared some of the characteristics in an intriguing interview with BBC Radio.

Click here to listen/download.

Click here to read Mal's Leadership Editorial on this subject.

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Mal's Daily Recharge is part of my every day devotions - they are brilliant!
Daniel, Australia

I read your daily recharge every day. It comes up as my home page every time I log on. It's amazing how spot on every word has been in encouraging me as I try to move forward in my industry.
laura kelly, United Kingdom

I saw your EDGES programme today on tv about witchcraft. Thanks for being a divine appointment to remind me that God's word is the final word - witchcraft is against God, whatever form it comes in...
Maggie, USA

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