2020Project Serves Top-Tier Civic Leaders
The world of civic leadership faces huge decisions, yet often feels the Christian church has nothing to offer it.
The assumption made by many top-tier leaders in business, local authorities and government is that the church is good at helping the marginalised but has little to offer society's decision makers, whose influence shapes culture.
The 20.2020Project, run by the 2020Plus Think Tank with support from NWI, helps civic leaders get to grips with some of the major social changes which will likely emerge over the next decade or more.
The project features events which add value to the skill set of leading decision makers.
Whilst the project is by no means religious in its intent, a by product is that strategically-minded church leaders are able to engage with the personal aspirations and needs of major community leaders.
The 20.2020Project is currently running in Manchester, Horsham and Bournemouth in the UK, plus Berlin and Lisbon.
Successful events have also been held in Adelaide, Brisbane and Johannesberg.
Watch this site for more news to come.
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Hey Mal, I'm blessed to come across this site. I believe it was a plan of God to hear you. I'm a leader in our church in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Be blessed!
Sindile, South Africa
I started watching Edges on GOD TV. Very inspiring & informative programming. May God raise more creative missionaries like Mal Fletcher.
Joseph, India
Mal, great article on the leader of Britain's army. I was having the same discussion earlier today, came to my PC and found you backed up everything I had said! Keep up the incredible work!
Joel Robinson, United Kingdom
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