Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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!Audacious Church Manchester - Unique

Added 30 October 2013 View full list    Print version    
Manchester, England is perhaps best known worldwide as the home of two leading football teams and the new Media City enclave, which houses studios for some of the UK's leading broadcasters.

But there may soon be much more to celebrate within this great city - that's if !Audacious Church continues its present growth, in both size and community influence.

On a recent speaking visit to the church, Mal Fletcher found a group of people who are passionate about their city and nation, in what is arguably one of the fastest growing churches in the nation.

Pioneered and led by Pastors Glyn and Sophia Barrett, who are strong friends of Next Wave, the church is built around a strong sense of vision for adding to the quality of life in the city, along with a strategy to engage with civic leadership.

Whilst there, Mal launched the 2020Project which will kick off in Manchester early in 2014 (watch this space). He met with the local Strategy Team who will be responsible for the project and was very encouraged by the quality of people involved.

After his visit, Mal said: 'I visited !Audacious Church once before, in its very early days.'

'Standing on the stage this time, in their much larger building, it was hard to believe they've only been going for five years!'

'I can say with conviction: there is definitely more to Manchester now than football and media!'

For more on !Audacious Church, visit

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The Daily Recharges are great. They always minister life and wisdom to me!

I love your "innocence vs ignorance" idea (Daily Recharge). We all can return to that place of innocence even if others have previously stolen it or we have lost it. Thanks for all your encouragement every morning.
laura kelly, United States

My son is 21 months old & has full Edward's Syndrome. He is a happy, beautiful child & gives so much to so many people. His life is as worthy as any other child. I believe the medical profession should help parents to want to give their children a chance of survival.
Deborah, United Kingdom

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