Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Making TV In The City Of Luther

Added 04 March 2002 View full list    Print version    

Shooting for the fifth series of the popular 'EDGES with Mal Fletcher' programs commenced in late March.

The first days of shooting were in Wittenburg, the home of Martin Luther. This city was, until a few years ago, a part of the former East German socialist state.

Filming here was a special privilege for Mal and the crew. Mal said, 'It was moving to stand where Luther preached and defended his reforms. I know that if he were alive today, he would be using TV in a very creative way to bring people into the church.'

The new series of EDGES programs will deal with topical issues including: terrorism, euthanasia, robotics, privacy (vs Big Brother), witchcraft and more. As always, Mal and his international team of researchers will bring positive, thoughtful Christian responses to the issues, while pointing people to Christ.

Next Wave International(TM) is also proud to announce that we are developing a close relationship with a major Christian-based advertising agency in the U.S.A. The B/M/C group are helping us to develop programs that will reach the unchurched, via secular cable and other outlets.

Talks are also underway regarding a new program featuring Mal Fletcher, which may be shot in the U.K. More details soon...
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Your Feedback
Mal, I watched you on God TV last Saturday & was so encouraged to hear you speak about 'making God famous'. Thanks for your commitment to Europe, it really encourages me!
Gillian, United Kingdom

I often check out your recommended reading section, which includes some excellent books. There's a new title which I highly recommend: 'Simply Christian' by N.T. (Tom) Wright (Bishop of Durham)...
Ann, Australia

Hi, thanks for the Mal Fletcher Daily Recharge!
Ray, New Zealand

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