Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
What does the increasing use of CCTV technology in modern cities mean for personal privacy?
As companies now beging to utilise 2-way smartTV technologies, based on the principle of CCTV, will we see a further breakdown in trust between companies and consumers? Are people already losing faith in governments, because they feel over-surveilled in the street?
Mal Fletcher looked at the issue in an intriguing and thoughtful interview this week on independent British Radio.
To read Mal's Editorial on this issue, click here.
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Mal, did you start out as a journalist? You are one of the most naturally gifted writers whose works I have had the pleasure of reading. I just love your succinct way of delivering words that paint a captivating picture. Jim, Australia
I read your Daily Recharge devotions nearly everyday and it really encourages my spirit. Elaine, Australia
Thanks a lot for a great site. As a pastor serving in a postmodern culture I've at last found some tools to use and learn from. I hope this website will serve others as well as it have been serving me. Anders, Sweden