Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Think Tank Event Inspires Church Leaders

Added 31 January 2014 View full list    Print version    
In the age of the exaflood, the exponential growth of data generated globally year on year, and huge developments in technology, medicine, science and more, change threatens to overwhelm people's thinking, relationships, work and commitments.

In the midst of this, church leaders often struggle to keep up with the impact of change on people and to keep ahead of the curve when it comes to providing proactive solutions to problems it causes.

The 2020Plus Invitation Think Tank Event, held in December, brought together selected leaders from some of Britain's most promising emerging and established churches for in depth training and discussion on likely areas of social change over the next 10 years.

Social futurist Mal Fletcher presented three intensive lectures, complete with high-end media support, showing the types of change developed societies can expect and the opportunities these opened up for local churches who aspire to serve their cities. The lectures were followed by brainstorming and strategy development sessions, which allowed leaders to explore the implications for change in their local contexts.

Twenty-five invited leaders took their place around the table in the Quest Room of the Institute of Directors (IOD), Pall Mall, London for an event that was co-hosted by Next Wave International and the 2020Plus Think Tank on social change and leadership innovation.

The event was so well received and the questions raised considered so vital to the future of local churches, that a follow up event has been scheduled for June 13 this year. This event will also look at generational change and its impact on cities and communities, as well as the impact of new technologies. Extra time will be devoted to strategy development.

More Invitation Think Tank events, focused on the future in relation to specific areas of church need, are planned for the latter half of this year.

For more on the work of 2020Plus Think Tank, please visit

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Your Feedback
Dear Mal, I was introduced to your ministry through Rhema Church, Jo'burg. In this age of confusion you bring across a lot of sense. You are giving me tools and insight.
Dietana, South Africa

You are right that we often shrink back from fully expressing our convictions because it puts us "out there". We must realise that the world looks at us at the same time as they hear us. We must learn the lessons & press on.
Eme, United Kingdom

I was at Mal's MasterClass in Sheffield. It changed my whole view about the internet. The best information I've ever heard -- challenged me to do my homework!
Gauta Sarah, UK

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