Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Focus on the Future Tour - Helsinki

Added 11 January 2013 View full list    Print version    

‘Those who would shape the future,’ says Mal Fletcher, ‘must engage present change.’

That philosophy is the driving force behind the 2020Plus Focus on the Future European tour, sponsored by Next Wave International in conjunction with 2020Plus.

Following successful events in the UK and Oslo, the tour moved on to Helsinki, capital of Finland.

The Helsinki half-day event was hosted by Pastor Mika Yrjola, lead pastor of the city’s well known Saalem church.

The intensive event gathered church leaders from across the city and further afield, for keynote presentations from Mal Fletcher on the future of technology, human rights, social ethics and more.

The goal of the event was to equip pastors to understand likely future change and prepare for it. As a result, pastors will be able to equip their people to proactively engage and, in some cases, overcome some of the changes.

The feedback on the day was very positive, with leaders sharing how it had inspired them think more long-term and appreciate their calling to their cities.

Our thanks go to Pastors Mika and Rommy Yrola for their invaluable support in identifying invitees and bringing together the logistics of the event.

Future events are intended for other centres in Europe.


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As a local youth pastor and high school chaplain, I am constantly looking for resources and articles that ask prophetic questions and give Christ-centred answers. Your stuff hits the mark every time.
Rob, Australia

Thanks for your great encouragements and teaching. I read Daily Recharge daily & it helps me to focus & learn about God's heart even more. You touch many people's heart with the Word of God.
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Mal, a massive thanks from a baby boomer & a gen-Xer who had the priviledge of being inspired by you at the ALC Leadership Academy. You have really helped make sense of the world that we are seeking to influence...
Nigel & Christine, United Kingdom

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