Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Ninety apostolic leaders of key church networks across Europe joined together for two days of strategic planning, prayer and alliance-building during April. The Strategic Leadership Consultation brought together major senior leaders from 16 nations and the EYE Network attracted key leaders of the next generation. One of the highlights of the weekend was the Next Wave Banquet, with special guest REINHARD BONNKE. This great evangelist flew in from the USA just for that evening and reminded the delegates that, just as Africa is being impacted with the gospel, so Europe CAN be saved!
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Iron sharpens Iron. Even though your Daily Recharge sometimes wakes me up quicker than coffee, I love the "sharp" way you work for God. Robert, Germany
Mal,every morning at the office I start my day with your thought provoking Daily Recharge. It is really recharging for the day ahead!!! God bless you!!! Christo, Bulgaria
Since the inception of your program and website, I have been more enlightened with the world around me. Nigeria