Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

EDGES On Largest Network in South Africa

Added 22 October 2002 View full list    Print version    
EDGES with Mal Fletcher is now showing across South Africa on the nation's largest secular network!

From Sunday October 20, EDGES with Mal Fletcher is showing on SABC 1, a station with over 16 million viewers!

In Europe, where many people lay claim to being 'post-Christian', the show receives a very positive response from people in many walks of life. People who don't normally take an interest in Christian perspectives are attracted to the show because it presents a clear viewpoint that is pro-people rather than anti-issues.
One of the most often heard responses to the show from people in the street is, 'I'm not a Christian but you guys really make me think!'

Mal Fletcher has a special interest in seeing the programs broadcast in South Africa. He has visited the country many times, speaking at major events for community groups, churches and youth organisations. Born and raised in Australia, Mal was the key pioneer of Youth Alive Australia, a large youth organisation. Mal and his wife and children now live in Northern Europe where he leads Next Wave International, a major Christian mission to Europe.

You can view a clip from EDGES at and photos to accompany this release can be downloaded from

If you would like any further information about EDGES and its launch on SABC 1, please contact: TVPC Media Tel: +2711-467-0212
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Your Feedback
Thanks for producing EDGES, which isn’t like some televangelist shows! See you next time you come to Planetshakers!
Adrian, Australia

I've seen Mal Fletcher speak several times at Wave Church, USA. He is leading the charge in bringing the local church and God's message to the mainstream market. I look forward to this website everyday and the encouragement it gives... Thank you Mal for all that you do!
Sam, United States

Hi Mal & team, I'm a great fan and daily look forward to my time with your recharge article. I love your site and your articles are truly cutting edge material. The best site by far in my opinion.
Francois, South Africa

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