Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge In Business, Politics And Everyday Life
Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff, Norton, 1993
In the blurb on the back of this book, “Thinking Strategically” is described as “a crash course in outmanoeuvring any rival.” Actually, it is a little more wide-ranging than that. The authors uncover many insights from the worlds of economics and game theory, showing how strategic thinking can practically change situations for our benefit. This is by no means light bedtime reading, but it does tackle the whole issue of strategic planning in a much deeper way than do most other books on the subject.


BLINK: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking
Malcolm Gladwell, Penguin, 2005
This new book by the celebrated author of “The Tipping Point” has a lot to live up to. “Tipping” became an all-time classic among cultural observers and, well, anyone who is curious about how small ideas turn into huge phenomena. In “Blink”, Gladwell’s premises is that we often know things without really knowing why or how we know them. We make snap judgments very quickly, judgments which can be far more effective than those we make deliberately and cautiously. Whilst the book does not offer any specific applications of the ideas it raises, it does offer some interesting insights and anecdotes about how human beings process information in unconscious ways. It doesn’t take too much of our leap to draw a line from this to what Christians would call a process of receiving revelation. Revelation is, after all, understood or “known” intuitively before it is processed rationally. An interesting read, though not as exciting as the earlier book.


Teach Yourself Writing a Novel
Teach Yourself Books, Nigel Watts, 2003.
This helpful book takes budding writers through the whole process of constructing a novel, from the germ of an idea, through developing the plots, characters and theme, to preparing it for publication. You don't need to be a published writer to appreciate the clarity of style and thoughtful content which makes this book such a good read. Even if you have no desire to write a novel, learning more about the process of constructing ideas in an interesting way and using language to paint metaphoric pictures is a great discipline for all communicators.


Teach Yourself Creative Writing
Teach Yourself Books, Dianne Doubtfire (New Addition Revised by Ian Burton), 2003
In this very practical handbook, writers of all kinds are able to explore various approaches to their craft, learning how to develop, direct and edit creative ideas and make them ready for publication. This is not a tome which promises to help you write the next New York Times bestseller; but it does give a very well thought-out and presented overview of different writing processes, from short stories, to novels, to radio and television drama. A very good resource for all the pen pushers out there!


The Luck Factor: Changing Your Luck, Changing Your Life - The Four Essential Principles
Richard Wiseman, Arrow Books, 2003
Psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman set out over a ten-year period to examine the behaviour of people who considered themselves either "lucky" or "unlucky". By subjecting each group to a series of tests, he discovered that what most people attribute to good luck or bad luck has more to do with their attitudes and behaviour patterns. He suggests four simple techniques and behaviours that can lift the quality of our lives. You should not be put off by the title, because Wiseman points us to important human qualities which, if we work them into our lives, can alter our interaction with the world around us and turn even difficult situations to our benefit. Basically, it’s a book about throwing off victim status and taking a decisive stand in our responses to life. This book may not change your life but it is certainly an interesting approach to the whole idea of being “lucky”.


Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul
John Eldredge
A well written and powerful book showing how men long for adventure. Gives great insight for men seeking to find their purpose and build great relationships


Get Real!
Mal Fletcher
This title is also available in e-Book format from our Webshop.
Click here to find out more.


Daring to Live on the Edge: The Adventure of Faith and Finances
Loren Cunningham


Why Settle for More and Miss the Best?
Tom Sine


Selfcare-Wellcare/What You Can Do to Live a Healthy, Happy, Longer Life
Keith W. Sehnert


Real Gorgeous: The Truth About Body and Beauty
Kaz Cooke

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Mal, thankyou for provoking me to think more. Your ministry is giving people a real wake up call, provoking Christians to seriously think about how we ought to be responding to issues like celebrity.
Kendal , United Kingdom

Iron sharpens Iron. Even though your Daily Recharge sometimes wakes me up quicker than coffee, I love the "sharp" way you work for God.
Robert, Germany

Your book on The Pioneer Spirit contains great truth and inspiration. It gives great practical advice about how to use or develop a pioneer spirit and get the vision into a reality. I believe everything you’ve written is worth reading and passing on to others.
Stephan, Germany

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