Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

'Very often I get locked into a local church scene or a regional picture in the UK. Coming to SLC helps me to see the bigger picture in terms of what God is doing right across Europe and right across the world.'
Stuart Bell, New Life Christian Fellowship, UK

'SLC is a great opportunity to meet other people who have a desire to impact Europe for Christ.'
Gary Clarke - Hillsong Church, London

'SLC is a conference where we have the feeling that we're moving forward, even being pulled forward. We're not just looking to the next 5 or 10 years, but to the next 30 years. At SLC you meet people who've already gone over the details so they're really focussed on what is important. We don't spend time questioning the essential; we meet people who have a vision for the future. You can also create an extraordinary network of friendships with people who share the same vision for Europe. I go home with vision and energy. The batteries are charged up and we go forward again.'
Robert Radix - ELPE, France

'Coming to SLC challenges my thinking. This network meeting isn't just a gathering of the same kind of people who already think the same thing and just confirm that. Here you have to stretch your thinking and you are challenged in how you are working. Also, the building up of relationships is great.'
Juanito Jonsson - Palabras De Poder, Spain

'I come to SLC because of the networks and fellowship, the people I meet and the good people I want to reconnect with. The network themes each year are very challenging and thought-provoking. You don't find anything like SLC anywhere else in the world.'
Karl-Axel Mentzoni - Betel Trondheim, Norway

'I come to SLC because it is one of the key places in Europe today where you can interact with leaders of significance who are really doing something to extend the kingdom. I enjoy the program very much and would highly recommend it to anyone.'
Scott Wilson - ICLM, Denmark

'What this forum brings is a prophetic insight into what God is saying now, to the church, and for Europe as a whole. SLC helps to sharpen what God is saying to me and to our ministry. It helps bring clarity to what God is saying to the church in Europe and how we need to rise and respond to that. The challenge for us is how are we going to respond now, so that the future is actually shaped by the church?'
Clive Urquhart - Kingdom Faith, UK

'It is a great privilege to come to SLC. It's a great privilege to come and meet people who have the same desire to bring Jesus to the nations.'
Bo Sander - God TV

'SLC attracts like-minded people who are radically pursuing God for Europe. It inspires and encourages me to come and hear a consistent word from God for the church in Europe. Mal and Next Wave's heart to communicate effectively and be relevant is right in line with my own ministry and heart. Why come to SLC? Alliances: it's all about the people you meet and the relationships and connections you make. Whenever I come, I find God hooks me up with the right people.'
Liam Smith - Destiny Church, Glasgow, UK

'Being here at SLC has been fantastic. I've made great connections here and the personal impact has been outstanding. There is a prophetic side to the whole thing.'
Tom Rawls - Proclaimers International, Norwich, UK

'I really value coming to SLC - I've been back 5 times now. Often you can get a little trapped in your own bubble because you're so busy and you give all your time to the vision that God has given you. I find God speaks to me through listening to the vision of other leaders. I feel a greater sense of faith, boldness and willingness to go for it.'
Jonathan Bellamy - Cross Rhythms, UK

'I go to the network to meet with great leaders from across Europe so that we can really touch Europe for Christ.'
Russell Evans - Planet Shakers, Australia

'Being in this sort of atmosphere really opens up your imagination. I go away with new ideas in terms of what we're involved in, different ways of thinking, and things I want to do to keep pushing the boundaries in what we're doing. In the normal environment, it's not always that easy to get the creative juices going.'
Heather Bellamy - Cross Rhythms, UK

'For me personally, the networking, relationships and connections which come through this kind of an event are powerful, even life changing. I always go back home with a whole lot of inspiration.'
Spencer Nordyke - Citywave Church, USA

Here are just a few of the key leaders who have enjoyed SLC:
  • Rick Renner (Russia)
  • Sunday Adelaja (Ukraine)
  • Gary Clarke (UK)
  • Stanley Hoffwijks (Netherlands)
  • Stuart Bell (UK)
  • Jarle Tangstad (Denmark)
  • Ingolff Elsell (Germany)
  • Egil Svartdahl (Norway)
  • John Angelina (Germany)
  • Rory Alec (UK)
  • Magnus Persson (Sweden)
  • Alexey Ledyaev (Latvia)
  • Karl Axel Mentzoni (Norway)
  • Thomas Ardenfors (Sweden)
  • Andrey Chebotarev (Latvia)
  • Zhenya and Vera Kasevich (Ukraine)
  • Chris Cole (UK)
  • Andrew Owen (UK)
  • Ray Bevan (UK)
  • Odd-Arve Roed (Norway)
  • Clive Urquhart (UK)
  • Scott Wilson (Denmark)
  • Linda Wilson (Denmark)
  • Mika Yrjola (Finland)
  • Tom Rawls (UK)
  • Bayless Conley (USA)
  • Steve Kelly (USA)
  • Spencer Nordyke (USA)
  • Danny Guglielmucci (Australia)
  • Steve Penny (Australia)
  • Russell Evans (Australia)
  • Ashley Evans (Australia)
  • Donovan Coetzee (South Africa)
  • Anthony Liebenberg (South Africa)... and many more.

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Your Feedback
Mal, I heard you speak at Kings Church in Wales. First class! Top draw...
Paul, United Kingdom

Keep up the good work! I always start my day with your website and the Daily Recharge. Thanks.
Christo, Bulgaria

Great website!! It's really good with all the stuff you can watch and listen to! I love it!

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