Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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What's the Problem with the Liberal Democrats?

Mal Fletcher on BBC Radio
Added 01 June 2014
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Britain's Liberal Democrat party are finding it hard to gain any traction in the face of falling poll ratings and alleged attempts to dislodge their leader.

What's the problem with the LibDems? Why is their leader, Deputy PM Nick Clegg under such pressure? Is there a problem with elitism at the top of politics?

In a news review programme, Mal Fletcher spoke to Will Gompertz, BBC Arts Editor.

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Reading your messages serves as gas for the fire of my spirit. You always keep the gospel where it belongs and needed most - the world and secular thought life.
Christo, Bulgaria

Thanks for the message you gave at The Gathering. It was prophetic for this generation and really made me look at some aspects of our culture in a different light.
Caroline, UK

I am so thankful that I was directed towards Mal's article on Why Christian Minister's Fall. Thankyou, Mal, for such Godly insight & wisdom into how we should be reacting to such situations.
Amity, Australia

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