Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher


Added 15 September 2003 View full list    Print version    
We continue to push ahead on several fronts with the 'Edges with Mal Fletcher' TV programs.

Right now, EDGES can be seen in more than 210 countries. On September 14, EDGES kicked off on the Nine Network across Australia, the largest broadcaster in the nation.

Right now, Next Wave and its partners at BMC Advertising (USA) are talking with secular networks in the USA and Europe. At the same time, we push ahead with pre-production of the new series, number six.

To learn more about that process, and to find out how you can be involved in various ways, sign up for the monthly EDGES update, at (you can watch full shows there, too). Mal says, 'We want to speak in the mainstream, where most of the people are listening.

Please pray that God will give us the sponsorship support we need to complete series 6, so that we can explain the Christian message to people who might never watch preaching on TV.'
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Your Feedback
I'm impressed by the content/style of EDGES. The program is topical and very realistic about the issues we face.

Hi Mal, I thank God for your ministry gifting. I find your talks to be most relevant & refreshing. You challenge apathy & have your finger on the pulse of current world issues.
Christopher, United Kingdom

I started watching Edges on GOD TV. Very inspiring & informative programming. May God raise more creative missionaries like Mal Fletcher.
Joseph, India

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