Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

From All Over Europe....

Added 10 September 2000 View full list    Print version    
This year's European Pentecostal Conference drew thousands of people of all ages from across the continent to Helsinki Finland.

Around 5000 people came out for the day sessions, with several thousand more attending at night.

Speakers included Reinhard Bonnke, Peter Wenz (Germany) and our own Mal Fletcher.

One of Mal's sessions brought a crowd of around 4000 young adults and teenagers. Mal challenged the young to live heroically and shared passionately on the need in Europe today.

We urge all of our friends and partners the world over to pray more than ever for the cities and nations of western Europe. As Mal says, 'Where people say it can't be done, that's exactly where God wants to be doing it!'
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It was a real blessing to have you with us in Norwich. You showed us an inspiring professional edge as an example of the greatness required for influence.
Owen, UK

I look forward to the monthly Next Wave E-News.

Mal, thanks for sacrificing your spare time to visit us at Newcastle CLC! Your insight into our current culture & your passion for acting upon the calling of Christ on our lives has inspired a young church in one of the best parts of Europe!
David Wright, United Kingdom

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