Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Mal, a massive thanks from a baby boomer & a gen-Xer who had the priviledge of being inspired by you at the ALC Leadership Academy. You have really helped make sense of the world that we are seeking to influence... Nigel & Christine, United Kingdom
Dear Mal, I was introduced to your ministry through Rhema Church, Jo'burg. In this age of confusion you bring across a lot of sense. You are giving me tools and insight. Dietana, South Africa
Dear Mal, I saw you some years ago in Lisbon. I was deeply blessed by your prophetic spirit for the nations. I'm especially moved by your messages that speak about being an influence in our world... Paulo Batista, Portugal